From the desk of president of Sarvodaya education socity

True education turns knowledge into enrichment and then enlightenment creates sensitivity adds brilliance in teaching – learning process empowers expression, prudence for self esteem and respect to other develops human values which are achieved by mankind during his cultural and ethical journey.
A holy flame ignited in the hearts of people of Morbi, residing in and out of Morbi to provide education. 53 years ago there was no other institution for higher education in Morbi except Engineering College. There was not a single girls school there was no scope for higher education as well as girls education.
During this period some progressive minded and dedicated donors and formost citizens of Morbi established Sarvodaya education society for higher education arts and Science College were started in 1960.
Today after 53 years Sarvodaya Education society has moved forward and eight different institutions like arts – science – commerce college, girls school, boys schools, sewing classes and a library are working under the society.
We wish that the spark of education be turned into a flame and become more bright and lustrous and spread all over.